Thursday, August 2, 2018

Happy Gotcha Day

Dear Joshy,

20 years ago today, your birth parents placed you into Daddy’s and my arms. You were 48 hours old. Your birth mom told me to make sure and let you know how much she loved you.
For the almost 19 years we had you, I made sure and told you how much she cared and that she and your birth father loved you.

Out of all the children in the world, I was chosen to be your mom. I was chosen. YOU were chosen. Birth parents have to accept the baby they create. But I chose you. How blessed beyond measure we are.

This year it is harder than it was last year. You had only been gone 3 ½ months. We were still in such shock and were numb.
This year, you have been gone an entire year. The pain in my heart has been tremendous.

Could you see all of the people who remembered your birthday? People who didn’t even know you, celebrated your life. Your daddy and I want you to be remembered. We want people to know who you were. The unique, funny person you were. The person who loved coffee and wanted to get together with your friends. You cared about each and every one of them.
Ready  to listen and care. Of course you would have some remark that brought a smile to their faces.

So today, Daddy, Amber and I celebrate the day we got you. Your “GOTCHA DAY.”

Twenty years ago, your birth mom put you into our hands. She leaned down and kissed the top of your head and said, “I will always love you.”

Fifteen months ago I had to hand your sweet body over to someone. I leaned down and kissed your precious freckles and the top of your head. I lovingly said, “ I will always love you!”

We miss you like crazy buddy. But today, we celebrate the day you became a Stevens. A member of our family forever!

Happy Gotcha Day! We will always love you!


When Josh was born, little did we know that his top vertebra was completely turned upside down and out of position. We did know he scream...