Monday, December 16, 2019

Graduation Day

Weren’t you just graduating from Kindergarten? You had told us you were going to be an astronaut. Following in our good friend Rick Husband’s path.
Everything space. Goals and dreams…… Rick beat us to heaven…. Reaching his final goal quicker than we wanted…… Goals changed….

How about a robotics engineer….. Goals and dreams…. Excelling in math and logic…. Zach beat you to heaven as well….. Changes again…. Your brain froze and math and logic locked….. Goals…..

Years of silent goals. High interest was found in the military….. Goals and dreams…. You succeeded in having Dr. Kray take you off all asthma medication. Goals and dreams….. We held our breaths. This momma heart was scared of a reaction. Goals and dreams…. Psychiatrist said, “NO” to getting off of your antidepressant. “Maybe at age 21.” You cried.
No military with those medications.

Police, EMT, FBI…. Goals and dreams…. Goals changed….. University of Houston….. A realization that your true passion was writing…. English….. Writing… Goals and dreams…..

Four months…. Happiness…. Too much fun! …..  Poetry was your favorite…. Goals and Dreams with “V”.

Exuberant amount of hours transferred to the University makes for early graduation.  A degree in English. Goals and dreams……

April 12, 2017. Your graduation date….. The ultimate graduation. Goals and dreams ……

December 14, 2019. Graduation that should have been. Goals and dreams never fulfilled here on earth. I can only dream of sitting there with many  other parents, taking pictures, yelling for you as they called, “ JOSHUA MICHAEL STEVENS.”

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge HIM and He will make straight your path.

Goals and dreams.......


When Josh was born, little did we know that his top vertebra was completely turned upside down and out of position. We did know he scream...