I Thank My God Every-time I Remember You.... Philippians 1:3
Friends who stop what they are doing and drive
you to your son’s apartment to confirm his death.
Go to your daughter’s house so you can call and
tell her about her brother
Drive your daughter part way home and hand her
off to other friends so they can get her home.
Drive as fast as they can to help deal with the
police and M.E. officials.
Stay with your dead son and escort his body to
the van so he won’t be alone.
Fill your house with love as you wait for your
husband to make it home.
Buy groceries in the middle of the night.
Unknown friends hand your husband tissues in the
middle of the airport as he cries out. Then searches until he finds us to give
a message of care.
Sit at your house the next morning before you
get up.
Instruct you in what to do.
Sit with you at the funeral home.
Drive you to the embalming place to get his
finger print in order to open his phone.
Help write his obituary.
Take me to Sonic for some kind of normalcy
Fill your texts and FB with love.
Let you tell the story, over and over.
Loan their house so parents can stay.
Feed you.
Come from 10 hours away to be with you.
Look at my sweet boy even tho I know they would
rather have not.
Support as you kiss and hug your boy.
Make sure everything is perfect at the funeral.
Clean out your son’s apartment when the hazmat
people are finished.
Text me
Hug me every.single.time. I walk into SB.
Because she works there, sit with my boy as he
is rolled into the furnace so he won’t be alone. Get his ashes and bring them
to me.
Seem to know what we need because after all,
didn’t we JUST go through this 5 years ago.
Continue to meet me.
Continually text.
“Like” my posts.
Pray, pray, pray
Thank you God for friends. Friends that I
know have done so much more than this………
The past 11 week are such a blur…. I’m walking and doing and breathing. There is
so much I should remember but don’t. So much more friends have done. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
True Friend Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While Everyone Else Believes Your